diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2008

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2008

Reflection of my oral presentation.

1- How did you feel before, while and after you presented?
The other day I did my first oral presentation, before than I started to talk, I felt very relax because I had memorized all my part, so I knew that I will do a really good representation, but when I started to talk, the power point didn’t found as I wanted, because the order of the pictures wasn’t the order whic I had prepeared, so, I started to feel so nervous because I lost my concentration. When I finished the Oral, I was happy because I had finished, but a little bit angry because I didn’t do the presentation as I wanted.

2- Describe your presentation in 30 words.
In my presentation I described the simbol of one picture. The most important thing which I talked about it, was that there were two boys only together because of the manacles, and not because their want

3- Watch 2 of your friends' presentations and :

Write 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of their presentations.

Nicole, Pep and Aleix: I think that they do a normal presentation. Nicole talks very well, but in his day she was very nervous, and she was repeat the video because she lost it. Aleix, I understand that he says, but he rode the all time. And Pep he helped very for the power point, and I like it, but I think that his pronunciation no is the correct.

Pep, Juanca and German: I think that they do a normal presentation too. Pep says the text with a very good accent, but he reads a lot. Juanca for me is very relaxed and I like that he smiles a lot a llok for the camera, but he didn’t know the text. And German Is the only boy of his group that he knew his part, but his accent isn’t the correct.

Write 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of your presentation.

In my own presntation I Try to be objective. I think that we prepared good the oral presentation, we had a powepoint, and we offerer a good image for we companions. But I think that a part of the Oral, I didn’t do the presntation as I wanted, Alex When he rode didn’t understand, and Adrian says things that didn’t meand anything.

4- What ideas can you apply to your next presentation? How can you improve it?

In my next presentation I will try to concentrate more. For do this I will study more. And now I think that in the power point, no is correct put some information, the correct is put the words keys.

5- What mark do you deserve?

I think that the mark that I deserve, is a seven, because I think that I do it the oral good, but no for more note, because for the problem of the order of the power point, I didn’t concentrate.

dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2008

Hombres G- debuelveme a mi chica!

A mitic group of the spanish music, Hombres G, this is a very big sing, and ten years ago, burn the film of the sing.

Robson the souza

Robinho is the best footballplayer in the world, and is my idol. Now he plays in Manchester City, but after, he played in Real Madrid. He has 25 years old.